Welcome to Dolls n Roses. Arguably one of the leading escort agencies in the UK, and one that boasts of having the best escorts around. The girls here are as beautiful and curvy as they come, classy, and with an elegance that’s irresistible. In fact, no other escort agency boasts of having such a high concentration of young, pretty damsels who are both beautiful and brainy. But why is this the case? Why would so many classy escorts opt for Dolls n Roses and not any of the other numerous agencies around? The answer may surprise you. Research shows that almost 80% of all the hot and classy girls at Dolls n Roses are College and University graduates! All are adults, but the fact that most of them are college graduates tells you something!
Why Dolls n Roses?
- Best clients; Dolls n Roses attracts mature clients, elite gentlemen who know what they want in a woman, and how they want it. While most escort agencies will take in just any client interested in an escort, Dolls n Roses takes time to weed out jokers and time wasters. This means that the escort is always assured of connecting with a worthy gentleman, and one that will be worth all her sacrifices. This fact works very well for college girls, most of whom want to avoid the drama that comes with dealing with unruly, arrogant clients.
- Diversity of clients; secondly, a huge number of clients at Dolls n Roses comprises of businessmen and tourists visiting from other parts of the world. For a typical UK college girl, such clients offer a perfect moment to learn about business, cultures from other parts of the world; basically, these girls are also learning and being inspired, even as they offer Quality Company to the client.
- Well appreciated; college girls also love to work for Dolls n Roses due to the very simple reason that they get well appreciated. This is not just in financial or monetary value. Rather, most clients treat these girls with courtesy and deference; they are educated, they are super hot, and are every man’s dream girl. At times, some business executives attending conferences in London have been known to hire these hot vixens to double up as their personal assistants. The college girls are able to dress up decently like a real office secretary would, even be glad to carry your files and take notes during a meeting. And away from the meetings and conferences, the girl will still gladly go down on her man and offer him all the pleasure he desires!
- Chance to travel; lastly, the college girls love the thrill of getting to tour and visit other parts of the world. At Dolls n Roses, the VIP escorts are exclusive and travel to as far as Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Dubai, and Milan, just to meet elite clients. In such instances, the client pays for the trip’s cost, and still compensates the escort for her time upon meeting. This is every escort’s dream and for the college girls in the UK, Dolls n Roses offers the perfect opportunity for this.
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