







A Night of Passion with my High-Class London Escort

A Night of Passion with my High-Class London Escort

My life was going well. I was still single and was making a good living, and yet I am still a man in need. My previous experiences taught me to anticipate intimate pleasures with great anticipation. I realized I could manipulate events to make an evening encounter more exciting, and the key was to find a trusted Escort Agency that can offer you an escort who can give adrenaline-fueled experiences.

My quest for adult entertainment led me to some close friends who had previously hired escorts, and this was the opportunity for me to ask them which agency they used to book their escorts. They further claimed that the escorts were from the agency Dolls and Roses. So I went on their website, and it appeared to be a leading escort agency in London with a selection of attractive ladies at competitive prices. For a long time, I couldn't bring myself to enter a world where I'd have to spend a lot of money on what was only temporary entertainment. But the temptation of such female beauty, frequently presented in colourful and exceedingly provocative phases of undress, became too much for a hot-blooded man to bear.

As it was my first escort experience, I attempted to contact the Dolls and Roses agency on Friday afternoon and asked for their best recommendation. I liked a brunette Brazilian girl on the website they recommended, and guess what? Her pictures were undeniably gorgeous, and her warm smile promised significant benefits for entrusting her with your company. I was in the mood, and it was this primal instinct that drove me to initiate the arrangements. It was all done over the phone with a really charming lady who assured me that taking the recommendation was a very good decision. After that, all were discussed in terms of payment, discretion was expected, and respect and courtesy were required. I couldn't think of another circumstance with someone so beautiful......

And so the day came, and I found myself in front of a huge building of serviced apartments in Chelsea. My heart was racing, and I was clearly pumped and turned on. This was a significant game-changer. Knowing you were about to meet a beautiful girl who appeared to be made for only the richest and most handsome man on earth. I attempted to push my nerves aside and waltzed past the reception area as if I owned the entire building, not just a tiny bolt-hole. I slipped through the stairs unnoticed and was shortly on the seventh floor, searching a narrow corridor for the flat number I'd been given.

A deep breath, a ring of the bell, and an image of great happiness ushered me into the apartment as she practically hid behind the door. A kiss on the lips, somewhat longer than was required as a standard greeting, a visual check that revealed a bathrobe and some extremely provocative underwear. She held my cold, trembling hand as I was led to a tiny and cozy living room. My joy was apparently obvious, including her. We went into the kitchen, where she offered me a cup of coffee and obliviously spoke. She seemed unconcerned with the thought of removing her garments in front of a stranger's prying eyes. Not to mention the stranger's insatiable curiosity. She had no make-up on and smelled like a flowering rose bush. I adored her and even fell in love with her. The truth that she was willing to display to me the majority of her main endowments with pure eagerness was enticing.

Since that first escorting experience, my approach to these encounters has shifted considerably. Now, I would never consider not spending significant time conversing with and getting to know my companion. This time, novelty got the best of me and stole my lust. We were caught in passionate hugs and kisses, with her quickly bringing my hands to fascinating and curvy portions of her body before I realized it. She quickly recognized she was dealing with a gibbering amateur with possibly no expertise. It appeared to be amusing to her. She assured me that she knew exactly what I wanted. I've never figured out if she was acting on some sort of instant attraction or whether my obvious excitement flipped a switch in her sexuality. I may well have missed the reality that she was probably simply a pretty skilled actress, but at the time it didn't seem even slightly imaginable given her enthusiasm. We went to her room so I could set up,' and she went into the bathroom, where she supposedly had several 'costumes.'

I knew I was toast the moment she opened the door dressed only in a tight red bra with seamed stockings, high heels, and her hair up in a perilously tied ball over her head. Not to mention the hands that couldn't stop trembling while I tried hard to act cool and in command.

She instantly realized she needed to take command in order to save the liner from an impending iceberg. She took command and directed the move herself. She changed three outfits and flirtatiously disrobed from all of them, having only her underwear on. Her fourth outfit caught me off guard. A short lace dress and crotchless kickers were not what was promised. I felt like I was about to have a nervous breakdown. Her touches were also becoming more expressive, and she continuously flaunted herself in front of me, and I made her please me completely. After a pleasant period of time, I instructed her to proceed to the bed and establish a position that would allow me to enter her from behind. She had a cute arse, and I wanted to work it hard while deep within her tightness. She was drenched, and I recall her cream covering my manhood as it retracted with each stroke. I felt powerful and strong, and I utilized her completely to my advantage.

But I wasn't done yet, and she knew it. Some girls prefer a pause between explosion, but this one needed more pleasure right away. I could tell, despite the fact that I'm the master, and this time it was my satisfaction, not hers, that was important. I flipped her over onto her back and jumped back inside her without a second thought. I could tell by her moans that she was pleased. I could see the heat in her eyes and knew she was more than willing.

This was a lusty finale par excellence, with full mutual commitment. I recall her fingernails pressing into the skin of my back as I thrust fiercely into her tightness, and I remember approaching violently due to the intensity of our night of passion.

I shall be eternally grateful to this great lady and, of course, to Dolls and Roses agency that recommended her. The passion that seemed to follow this unforgettable meeting gave me tremendous faith that hiring escorts was filled with enticing possibilities. Just pick the right agency, and you are all into a world full of pleasures!

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