







How WhatsApp Has Revolutionized the Way Clients Interact With and Book Escorts From Dolls and Roses

Clients Interact With and Book Escorts with WhatsApp

Dolls and Roses is undoubtedly one of the leading escort agencies in London. Londoners and visitors are advised to book a damsel from Dolls and Roses because they are classy, sophisticated and also sexy. This is an agency known for their outstanding variety on escorts; they are all picked from different countries and nationalities. With this, clients can easily choose who they want to engage with and hire for a day or two as they so please. However, technology has helped make the task of booking an escort easier than ever before. Dolls and Roses is one of the few escort agencies that have embraced the use of Whatsapp, as a tool to narrow the gap between clients and escorts.  Whatsapp can be installed on every Smartphone, and with this, you now almost have all Dolls and Roses within your reach

Below are various ways how WhatsApp has revolutionized the way clients interact with and book escorts from Dolls and Roses

  • Bookings; in the past, clients had to register and login to the Dolls and Roses website so as to receive exquisite services from their beautiful damsels. You would choose an escort judging from their profile and photo gallery. However today, with WhatsApp, clients are able to liaise with the escorts in real time, and share all manner of images and videos before even meeting. There is some excitement that comes from sharing info and images on Whatsapp, before the actual meeting; it prepares you psychologically for the kind of woman you are about to meet.
  • Chats; WhatsApp has enabled clients to have a chat with the escort they have chosen. When you have booked the lady of your choice, you will be given her contact number. With that, you can call her or text her and book an appointment with her. Even though payments and booking are done from the agency, dates and whereabouts of meetings are set by the client and the chosen escort(s). Thereafter, if the client wants services on a regular, he or she can set up a base relationship with the escort(s).
  • Video calls; some clients prefer knowing who they are talking to and engaging with. It’s just a way of proving to themselves that they have picked the right model with the perfect body shape. Counterchecking on an escort is not a bad thing; it’s better than regretting choosing someone you had no interest in. After the call and brief interaction you are able to set up a date with the damsel and enjoy the best services Dolls and Roses agency has to offer. Depending on your interest, you are able to have a quick date on a video call.
  • Pictures; WhatsApp is an advantageous and safe place to share your pictures privately. Every message has an encryption code that protects the privacy of your photos, talks and chats. Dolls and Roses escort agency allows its escorts to engage in sharing and posting of pictures to their clients. It is a marketing strategy that earns the escorts inner publicity with their clients. Even so, confidentiality is one of the top guaranteed principle in the escort agency. Unlike in the past when you had to choose from old photos on the website gallery, now, you can get a recent photo from a beau of your choice.


Dolls and Roses has continued to set the bar high for escort services here in London, and with the introduction of Whatsapp, things can only get better for both the client and the escort.

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