







Expensive escorts or value for money?

Expensive escorts in London

The most expensive escorts are always those ladies who are most in demand. Many of these expensive encounters are not even publicly promoted as clients who use the most elite and VIP escort agencies prefer to date those escorts who are not known anywhere else. There is still a stigma attached to gentlemen who pay fo

r the services of an escort. They are deemed to be lacking in some social or physical skill in that they have to pay for a beautiful companion however most people do not consider the fact that the trappings of success mean a lack of time or a higher level of security which would allow these highly successful gentlemen to go out and meet people in the way that most men do. A trip to a bar or club is usually widely publicised for those in the public eye and so to form any sort of relationship at all is immensely difficult.

Sexy girl dressed in fetish outfit, corset, latex stockings and skirt

At Dolls and Roses the fact that we have many expensive and elite escorts in London and most of the major cities in the UK means that for the elite businessman, he still has the opportunity to enjoy an encounter with a stunning woman, without any of the hassles he might experience by going out to a bar or a club like everyone else.

Our expensive escorts are justifiably elite and their discretion is recompensed richly. When you are in the public eye then you will not want to see any kiss and tell stories and so this is another reason why our elite and high-class escorts are so highly sought after. Their discretion and anonymity is priceless and in order to maintain a public persona that is fitting with the client’s position then sometimes paying or companionship is the only option. 

It seems sad that the media and the public are responsible for elevating the status of a person to the height at which he or she can no longer enjoy the usual pleasures we all take for granted and when they do they are publicly lambasted for doing so! Our elite London escort agency offers a service that leaves our clients feeling normal again, even for the short space of time they enjoy their encounter. 

Many of our expensive escorts are extremely experienced and very outgoing. They have great personalities and are much more than just a partner for physical fun. They are all excellently educated at some of the top schools in the world and not only do they have the social skills that are necessary as a companion of an established celebrity they also have the skills to20be able to mingle with people from all walks of life and never give away their own social status. 

Our expensive escorts provide a service that the very status of a celebrity or public responsibility takes away. The freedom to enjoy a private life and release all that frustration and energy we all experience from time to time. Our escort models look the part in public and certainly act the part in private so if you feel you would like to have a personal life and yet feel that it would come under the public glare then do give us a call and we can ensure that your private life and all that entails remains something for your own personal pleasure.

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