







Do Escorts Have Plastic Surgery

Do Escorts Have Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery wasn’t common until around the 80s when we started reading of it in magazines and newspapers. By the 90s, most celebrities and artists started going for plastic surgery and thus helping it gain more popularity. We all recall the hullabaloo that followed Michael Jackson’s plastic surgery in the late 80s and early 90s. By the 2000s, plastic surgery was no longer a preserve of the rich or famous; almost anyone who really wanted to go for it could do so. Today, plastic surgery has evolved to include not just facial reconstruction, but also breast augmentations and buttock implants. Here in London, we have more private plastic surgeons than we have ever had at any time in history. The competition amongst the surgeons has made the services more affordable, and consequently, more readily available.

So back to our question, do escorts have plastic surgery? The answer is a big Yes. Just like any other girl, escorts desire to look good and hot for their men, they can afford it and so there’s no reason why they can’t go for plastic surgery. However, if you compare the number of high-class escorts going for plastic surgery to the number of married women or girlfriends doing the same, the statistics take a dramatic turn. Wives and girlfriends are under more pressure to look perfect and loveable in their spouse’s eyes. An escort doesn’t have similar pressure; she doesn’t have any emotional attachment or long term plans to stick to one guy and as such, doesn’t worry much. But the wife who just gave birth last year and needs to reduce fat in her tummy, that teenage girlfriend with a big bust while all her friends have smaller, firmer breasts; these are more likely to go for plastic surgery in order to please their partners. Hardly will you come across an escort who went to have a facial reconstructive surgery just to please a man she met or fancies. If she has to, it is because she knows what she wants and isn’t motivated by any man in particular.

However, there are a few old escorts who have been in the industry for so long and still won’t hang their boots to call it a day. These kinds of escorts may opt for plastic surgery in order to look younger and ward off the stiff competition they face from the younger, more attractive girls. At some of the leading escort agencies like Dolls and Roses, you’d be pleasantly surprised to hear that almost 90% of their escorts are young and below 35! This means that you’ll find most of the escorts ranging from the early 20s to early, mid-30s. At this age, a woman’s looks and body are still in perfect shape and there’d be no need for plastic surgery. You can, therefore, rest assured that the escort’s beauty is natural and raw; nothing added or modified.

However, there are instances where young escorts may have to resort to plastic surgery. For instance, in case of an accident or injury that disfigures the face, facial surgery may be required to fix the dents and restore her former good looks. Likewise, some ladies with facial conditions like excess pimples or skin conditions may opt for plastic surgery as a form of treatment. Whatever the case, plastic surgery is a common thing in women, both escorts and non-escorts. In fact, some of it is done so professionally that you’d never guess a lady has undergone it!


Dolls and Roses prides itself in providing you with the hottest escorts in London; young, naturally beautiful and attractive, polished, and very charming.

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